Here you can find helpful information if you want to order AMS radiocarbon dating:

  1. 1.Turnaround time?

    Normal turnaround from 3 weeks after submitting samples and prepayment. On demand with extra charges, it can be 3 weeks (for biobased samples up to 6 business days).

  2. 2.Price?

    From 295 Eur ex VAT. For bigger carbon 14 dating amounts there are special discounts.

  3. 3.Preparation of samples included?

    Yes, even if it would be collagen extraction from the bone – everything is already included into C14 dating.

  4. 4.Measurements accuracy?

    Standard accuracy of C14 carbon dating is ±28 years. On demand, samples can measured with ±20 years.

  5. 5.Which samples can you date?

    Charcoal, plants, seeds, peat, soil, bottom sediment, textile, wood, bone, tooth, food crust (charred food residue), shells, corals, CaCO₃ and much more organic materials.

  6. 6.If sample appears inappropriate for C14 analysis?

    If it will appear that sample is inappropriate for carbon 14 method, you will be able either to submit another sample instead or recover your advanced payment.

  7. 7.What quantity of sample should be submitted?

    Recommended quantity of every sample material for carbon dating process is given here.

  8. 8.How to order?

    Just fill online order form. Five easy steps to get radiocarbon dating services.

  9. 9.Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis?

    Yes, d13C and d15N measurements are performed in our laboratory as well for just additional 15 Eur ex VAT.

  10. 10.Affordable for individuals?

    Of course, not only the companies but individual persons can order radiocarbon testing services as well.

  11. 11.Is your laboratory trace free?

    Yes, we strictly accepting only samples with natural activity level. Submission of sample with enriched C14 level will lead you to liability for damaged expensive equipment.

  12. 12.Where to send samples?

    Samples should be shipped to:

    Dr Žilvinas Ežerinskis
    Address: Saulėtekio av. 3, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
    Phone: +370 665 01554
    Email: ams@vilniusradiocarbon.com

  13. 13.Is the lab certified?

    Yes. The lab is certified and meets the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 in the activities for Provisions of analytical mass spectrometry services and research project management.

  14. 14.Is your C14 lab ISO17025 accredited?

    Yes. The lab is accredited to perform C14 AMS measurements according to ASTM6866 standard for biobased carbon content determination in products.

If you need consultation about your sample 14C dating or preparation for shipment.

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